Glasgow Farm
Why Choose Glasgow Farms to Board Your Retired Horse?
Customized boarding options to suit your horse's specific needs
Personalized care and medical attention
One-hundred acres of pastoral perfection
State-of-the-art veterinary center on the premise
All of these features and more provided by experienced veterinarian Dr. Judy Tubman and her staff at Kent Veterinary Center located on the grounds of Glasgow Farms.
Boarding begins at $30/day. Stall board, field board, individual or group turnout or any combination are available.
When the health and the care of your horse truly matters, Glasgow Farm is the place to board your horse.
For more details, please call, email, or fill out the form below.

"It's a pleasure to work with Dr Tubman from Kent Veterinary Clinic the last few years. Her knowledge in foaling and Mare reproduction is remarkable. Her veterinary care for race horses is spot-on, in dealing with lameness issues. Her knowledge was a big part in Iron Mine Bucky's Major stake career, including the Hambletonian, Yonkers trot and the list goes on. I'm very picky with my horses, but trust her 100% and highly recommend her to anybody."
- Greg Haverstick
Bridgeville, Delaware

"Dr. Tubman has kept our racehorses sound & competitive for over 25 years. Including World Champion mare Sanabelle Island (over 1.6 million in earnings), North American Champion trotter Par One, Champion Pacing mare Toy Dragon, and a list of other notable stake winners i.e. Bust Out The Bid, Beagle Beach Boy, Best Effort, Poncho, Wynfield Mark, Dance Hall, Rascan John, Direct Bill, Eternal Optimist, Heavy Thunder, Fox Valley Admiral to name a few.
In addition Dr. Tubman has successfully bred and foaled our many broodmares. She & her staff provide top notch reliable professional care. Dr. Tubman's facility is always clean and the pastures are kept free of manure with lush grass. I would highly recommend their services."
- Timmy Warrington, Dan Warrington, & Steve Warrington
Warrington Racing Stables
Galena, Maryland